Planting our ‘Legacy Tree’

The Woodland Trust kindly offered a ‘Legacy Tree’ to any Tree Charter branch that wanted to plant one.  Sheffield Woodland Connections requested a hornbeam and we planted it at the end of January in a new area of woodland being created on Whirlow Playing Fields, off Limb Lane in Sheffield.

The site adjoins the Limb Brook section of Ecclesall Woods and has been planted by Sheffield’s Community Woodland team with help from many volunteers.  Although it does not look like much at the moment, several hundred new trees were planted in one day.  It will look very different in just a few years time.

Our hornbeam sapling is keeping good company, as it is planted only a few metres away from the Save Dore, Totley and Bradway Trees group’s ‘Legacy Tree’.  Both have a metal plaque to help identify them.